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July 16, 2009


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Hi April,
I found the pictures just by searching on the web. A lot of the pix came from David Horvath's blog, which he has since restarted, so it doesn't have the sprinkling of cute pictures it did before.

I'm planning my son first birthday using the theme ugly dolls! I was wondering where do you get the ugly doll picture templates on your labels?

I just wanted to let you know that your Ugly party has inspired ours. We started preparations today.

I used Microsoft Power Point to do the labels, but you could easily use Word as well. I start by using the autoshape template to add a rectangle with rounded corners to the page. Then I change the color and boarder of the rectangle, add text and images from the web, then make modifications and print. Once you have it printed then you cut out the labels and attach with a staple. Thanks & Good Luck!

How did you make the lables? Thanks!


I have to say that the party favors/cupcakes were even more impressive in real life. You did an awesome job!

I love reading your site. I have 2 year old twins and am already looking forward to their frog and bumble bee birthday party this fall! You have reminded me to be on the look out for fun party favors...


Oh, those are so CUTE! You have so many great ideas; thanks for sharing them. And I totally agree about party favors - it's the best part of the party planning.

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