
« Mini Madeleines | Main | Playbill Valentine's Day Cards »

January 27, 2010


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I love all of your designs. Used these this year, stapled to cello bag with a chocolate chip cookie inside. Thanks!

Luv, luv luv it! Thanks again!

I just saw your entry on Martha's website. I had to check out your blog (I knew anyone this creative had to have a blog). They are adorable!

These are great! Thanks for linking to past years and sharing them all!

Thanks so much for sharing! I was invited to a last minute party and needed something cute! These are perfect! THANKS!

i absolutly love these designs- thanks so much for sharing! i'm really enjoying your blog and am going to link you up to mine.

Oh, I just found your blog and it's just lovely! Thank you for the free downloads for girls will drool over these ;) Off to check out your shop.

Jamie :)

These so adorable I think I have to pass up my plans to make my daughter's and use yours. Great colors too! Thanks so much.

Thanks for this beautiful idea! I have thought about sharing it with my readers and I hope you are not sorry if I have inserted her in my post of S. Valentine ( If you had to not make you like I will handle to remove the link to your blog. Regards, Beta

I L-O-V-E these cards. They will be perfect for my 18mo old's first Valentine's party :-)

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