Last night during dinner we were lamenting the fact we missed out on a perfectly good sledding day, when we realized there was no reason we couldn't go at night. We quickly hit the grocery store to pick up supplies for s'mores and knocked on our neighbors' doors to invite them to join us for some *Twilight Sledding*. Right before our 7pm start time I set out some votive candles and lanterns. It looked really cool with the candles lit in the snow, but we also ended up turning on our outdoor flood lights so we could see a little better. We cranked up the tunes (the boys Ninja Party Playlist...i.e. Eye of the Tighter, Another One Bites the Dust, Men in Black) and then hit the slopes. It was really fun, definitely better than sledding during the day. The weather was perfect (not too cold with no wind) and the s'mores added to the overall experience. This will definitely be something we repeat.