One of our favorite Halloween activities is 'Booing' our neighbors. The boys like it because they get to sneak around at night and leave mysterious surprises for our neighbors and I like it because I get to put together fun Halloween packages. This year I decided to create my own version of the Boo message to be left with the Halloween treats. Please feel free to download your copy of the Boo poem and spread the Halloween cheer. Update: Check out our latest Chevron version of the Boo Poem.
If you are unfamiliar with 'booing', then the poem below summarizes it all.
*The Halloween Boo Poem* (slightly modified)...
The phantom ghost has come to town
To leave some goodies...I see you've found.
If you wish to make this a happier Fall...
Continue this greeting, this phantom call.
First, post this Ghost where it can be seen,
And leave it there until Halloween.
This will scare other Phantoms who may visit.
Be sure to participate, you don't want to miss it!
Next, leave treats at two doors where the Phantom hasn’t hit.
You have only two days to act, so be quick!
Deliver at dark when there isn't much light...
Ring the doorbell and run--stay out of sight!!
And last, but not least, come join in the season.
Don't worry, be happy, you need no good reason.
This is all in good fun and we are just trying to say...
Happy Halloween & Have a Great Ghosty Day!
Happy Booing!