I am not the seamstress in our family. That title is maintained by sister (and mom). I prefer to do more crafty/graphic design type stuff which is usually paper based. Over time this difference between my sister and I has worked itself into a nice exchange system. Anything I need sewn my sister willingly does for me and anything she needs designed and printed I do for her. It has become the perfect give and take relationship. There are no complaints and only feelings of great gratitude and a happy-to-help mentality (speaking for myself). I assume my sister feels the same way, because if she didn't she would certainly let me know. This is all to say that I really don't sew and don't have a need to. So I was surprised to find myself at the sewing machine last Friday night. Yes, sewing! I was inspired to make little B$ a quilt so he could have a nice snuggly blanket when he transitioned from the infant room to the toddler room at daycare. I was also inspired use up some of my fabric stash which hasn't seen the light of day in years. I promised myself I wouldn't go out and buy any fabric and that I would make do with whatever fabric I had even though it may not be perfect. And even though I wouldn't call the quilt perfect, it gives me great joy to know that little B will cuddle with something which I made everyday at school (don't worry sis, our perfect arrangement will stay as is).
The inspiration for the quilt I made came from two sources. My main source of inspiration were the quilts my aunt made for my twins when they were first born. They were high loft quilts and the boys loved them (they still do, even though they are too big for them). My aunt told me she was slightly embarrassed that they were high loft quilts, but I don't think they boys would have loved them so much if they weren't. My other inspiration was blabla's new coverlets: simple and sweet. I ended up using three different Japanese inspired fabrics. I had to sew together two pieces of fabric for each side of the quilt (not bad at all). Then I sewed the sides together, inserted my high loft (3/4") batting and then sewed up the last side. To keep the batting in place I tacked down the corners and middle of the quilt using embroidery floss.
This is my favorite picture of the quilt posted in my IG account.